Montag, 3. Februar 2014

almost done

We are now nearly one month in the studio. Over 20 songs are recorded, we need to put some more effort into detail work. However, studio time runs out soon. We will finish recording this week. Photo session for new album is scheduled for next week, after it we will return into Principal studios to finalize the mix. This album(s) are definitely the biggest challenge in bands career.

Another long night session

1 Kommentar:

  1. ... Und die Spannung auf's neue Doppelalbum steigt und steigt! Immernoch 115 lange Tage - um die -Wartezeit für uns ein bisschen kürzer zu machen, haben auch wir euch zu Ehren einen Blog erstellt. Vllt schaut ihr ja mal rein. (;

    Ride on, euer Teufelchen
